Lori Sweet

Lori Sweet Financial

About Us

Lori Sweet grew up in a small town in Washington State with a father who practiced as a CPA and taught her the value of planning and protecting yourself financially for the future. She often heard him say, “If my clients just knew how to manage their money, they wouldn’t be in this (financial) mess.” Lori’s mom was a volunteer for hospice and saw the financial devastation families went through during an unexpected health crisis for those without a financial plan.

This resonated with Lori, and since 2016 she has dedicated herself to helping and educating people to navigate their financial retirement opportunities. If you have asked yourself, “Will I have enough income for retirement?” or, “How can I protect and grow my nest egg so I can make it through retirement?”  You are not alone.
Whether you are planning for retirement or already retired, Lori works diligently to find the right option for each of her clients. Customizing individual plans to assist her clients with their specific financial needs, protecting their savings, reducing income taxes and taxes on social security benefits, and creating a retirement income guaranteed to last their lifetime.

Lori is married to her husband, Jeff, and they have five children. Their family enjoys camping and boating together. Lori and Jeff enjoy traveling and exploring new places in their spare time.


Lori Sweet picture

Lori Sweet

Lori Sweet Financial

Everett, Washington


(206) 786-6690

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